Submit a Complaint

At Dynamis, we are deeply committed to providing a high-quality experience for all our course participants. We understand that our training is crucial for many individuals and teams, and we strive to create a learning environment that is productive, engaging, and supportive. Our goal is to empower our delegates with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their respective fields.

However, we also understand that there may be times when our delegates might have concerns or face issues that need to be addressed. For these instances, we have a comprehensive complaints procedure in place. We believe in maintaining an open line of communication with our participants and upholding an atmosphere of transparency at all times. Your feedback is important to us as it helps us to continually improve our services and cater to your needs more effectively.

We assure you that any complaint raised will be treated with utmost seriousness and fairness. Our complaints procedure has been designed to ensure that your concerns are acknowledged promptly, thoroughly investigated, and resolved to your satisfaction. The procedure is straightforward and easy to follow, allowing you to register your complaint with minimal hassle.

Once your complaint is registered, we commit to acknowledging it within 48 hours. We then initiate an in-depth review of the complaint and ensure that we understand the issue at hand. We believe in a thorough process to ensure fairness and justice. Hence, we take time to conduct a detailed investigation and root cause analysis. We aim to contact you within 7 working days of receipt of the complaint with an update or resolution.

In the event that you are not satisfied with the outcome, we provide a clear path for you to respond and pursue the complaint further. We understand that situations can be complex and we are committed to finding a resolution that is fair and just for all parties involved.

If any reparations are deemed appropriate, we will convey them to you, along with a suitable timescale for completing those reparations. Moreover, we continuously learn from the feedback we receive. If any procedural changes are deemed necessary following the review of a complaint, these changes will be communicated to Dynamis personnel accordingly.

At Dynamis, we believe in continuous improvement and your feedback plays a vital role in this process. We understand the importance of maintaining the trust and confidence of our course participants and we are committed to upholding this. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we work to resolve your complaint.

Complaints Form

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