Proper Post-Incident Processes Protect People
Safeguard your employees after serious incidents.
This training course provides your organisation with the structured management of stressful events following significant incidents which may attract legal or regulatory scrutiny, or allegations from those involved in the incident.
It helps you to capture evidence, safeguard employees and helps you to support them in dealing with the emotional aspects of the event.
It also addresses mental health and welfare support, especially where trauma may have been involved.
It also addresses some issues which can make witnesses more vulnerable, particularly around perception and memory.
The course explains the current best memory retrieval methods to capture credible witness accounts and protect the integrity of any investigation.
Training colleagues and peers will have a powerful impact allowing; a structured, documented, risk managed and transparent response to significant events
- Reduce legal liability for the employee and organisation
- Professionalise evidential capture of witness information
- Identify the best way of securing evidence from affected staff
- Explain why memory is vulnerable after stressful events
- Highlights poor interviewing techniques and statement writing
- Signposts ethical investigation practices to support staff
- Enhances the employers Duty of Care
- Improve the safety, security and welfare of employees
- Protect organisational reputation and brand
- Improve staff motivation and morale, in turn reducing absenteeism
- Help protect the organisation at review, enquiry or investigation
- Promote transparency in incident reporting processes
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With over 15 years of experience working with clients, we are confident that we can gain an understanding of your issues, resources, timeframes and budget quickly and soon propose a training plan which fits your needs.