Cutting Edge Train-The-Trainer Courses
We develop trainers who deliver Effective, Efficient and Engaging courses which make your service safer.
Three Key Areas
A suite of professional development opportunities which will elevate your coaching, training and instructional practice to the highest modern levels.
The flagship Vistelar train-the-trainer programme enables you to teach tried-and-tested verbalization skills, based on core values, which integrate and deploy in different situations to prevent escalation, de-escalate aggression or resistance and manage emotionally disturbed persons effectively.
Your staff depend on the functional skills imparted to them in your training to keep themselves and their colleagues safe when they deploy physical interventions. These last-resort protective physical interventions can be deployed at all levels of risk and are appropriate for more vulnerable or more capable persons who are at risk.
Learn how to deliver authentic learning using an evidence-based and research-informed model of training design and delivery.
Modern scenario-driven and task-focussed training will delight your learners and create effective, efficient and engaging training experiences.
Our Trainers are working in
Hospitals and
Healthcare conflict management
Conflict Management for Retail and Public Facing Organisations
School Positive Handling Training
The power of evidence-based training
High Staff Engagement
Because of the immediate relevance your staff see in course design and delivery, they are engaged, motivated and energised during and after the training.
Better Transfer to the Workplace
Because sessions are all driven by your own scenarios, issues and challenges with the people you meet in your work, it has immediate relevance and transfers directly to your day-to-day workplace.
Time Well
Your teams get many, many opportunities to learn and practice their new skills during 'countless reps' of the target skills, actively learning in every session. There are no boring powerpoints!
Measurable Change Happens
With highly targeted new skills, your teams can make measurable changes to their interactions and truly realise your organisation's safety ethos, focussing on dignity and respect, safety and wellbeing.
training effective trainers, not certifying parrots.
Our trainer courses are designed for public-facing coaches and instructors whose learners must deal with vulnerable individuals who need a supportive approach and also those higher-risk individuals capable of spontaneous aggression. Our aim is that every person is treated with dignity and is shown respect, even when there is conflict.
Director Of Training At Dynamis
Hi And Thanks For Visiting Our Webpage Today.
In Over 15 Years Of Working With Frontline Staff Who Face Difficult, Distressed And Dangerous Behaviour, I Have Seen Time And Again How Prepared Staff Can Perform Well And Respond To Challenging Circumstances.
From Teachers To Nurses, Teaching And Care Assistants To Security Officers In Our Hospitals And Social Workers In The Community, If You Deal With People Every Day, Managing Conflict Becomes A Necessity.
I Became Involved In This Work Because I Saw The Power Of Training And Preparation In Helping People To Stay Safe At Work And To Be More Successful In Working With Their Colleagues To Create Better Outcomes.
I And My Team Of Professional Trainers Now Teach In Over 200 Training Engagements Every Year Around The UK And Internationally For A Wide Variety Of Public-Facing Organizations Just Like Yours.
We Have Sought Out The Best Conflict Management Training Content And The Best Learning Methods In The World And Bring Them Together For You And Your Team.
Our Partners and Accreditation
Dynamis is a Quality Award Centre with the ICM, a recognised accrediting body in the U.K. for workplace training in the prevention and management of workplace violence.
Dynamis represents the 9 Attitudes system, a fully behavioural approach to self-protection and physical control which is based on the observable realities of physical confrontation.
Our Trainers create satisfied learners
What our customers are saying:
Best Course I have attended in the NHS...
“This was by far the best course I’ve attended in the NHS. Fit for purpose, current, relevant and extremely well delivered. 10/10 for delivery, professionalism and structure.”
ANDY W. // Security Management Specialist
Made it Relevant...
“Very good training, and great effort to make it relevant for the type of conflict and situation we face. Excellent Trainer – 10//10”
MICHAELA G. // Community Engagement Officer
Tailored to situations we actually face...
“Gerard was a great teacher, he was very knowledgeable and friendly. He tailored the training to situations we might actually find ourselves in which I found incredibly useful.”
Louise C. // Homeless Shelter Support Worker
I left feeling confident that I could safely apply the techniques I had been shown and know when to use them. Since completing this training another member of staff and I who where both on the course have been able to safely escort a child, whom we have previously struggled and felt unsure/ unsafe with escorting when dis-regulated back in to the school building safety. We were both on the same page as were the other members of staff who witnessed the incident (and were also present for the training that day) and this greatly helped us to safely bring the child back in to school. I would like to once again give my thanks to the team who came in to teach us that day. They were both amazing!
Classroom Teacher // Blossom House School March 2020.
With over 15 years of experience working with clients, we are confident that we can gain an understanding of your issues, resources, timeframes and budget quickly and soon propose a training plan which fits your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Usually the training venue will be our client's responsibility and full details of this are made clear around the time of booking so that you know what we are going to need to give your people the best possible experience of training with our team.
We have often helped our clients to source appropriate training venues, where that assistance was requested!
Due to the nature of our training approach, we often require a good-sized training room which has the capacity for your team to move around in and in which we can set up scenarios which are as close as we can get them to real-world applications of the material we teach your people.
Our training costs are often calculated on a per-day basis and directly related to the Needs Analysis which we carry out with you.
We are constantly working to make sure that the investment level is reasonable and competitive.
We generally ask for an investment which takes into account the type of content we are going to work on with your staff, the numbers of staff involved, the risk level of the encounters they engage in and the number of days of training which will be required to get your people up to the proper standard.
We are VAT registered and all pricing sent to you is 'plus VAT at the prevailing rate'.
We also charge travel expenses which you should discuss with our training advisor so that these are as clear as possible as you book in your training course.
Our training advisor is waiting to have a call with you to discuss your timelines and preferred schedule. We generally book training 4-6 weeks out from today, however we always have been able to respond to clients who need training 'as soon as possible' when urgent needs pop up. The sooner we talk with you, the sooner we can get the training in place!
There are numerous formats which we use to deliver training with your team, whether it be a large group or a smaller team. We know that the best group sizes for learning depend on the complexity of the material to be covered, the amount of time we have with your people and also the constraints you may be working with in your budget and resources. Most of our clients put 12-16 people in our less-physically demanding training courses, and often fewer people than this into our more demanding courses. Let's talk about the best solution for your needs....
Dynamis has attained the respected Quality Award Centre status (QAC #2201) with the Institute for Conflict Management (ICM), demonstrating our commitment to quality assurance and strict adherence to the most recent guidance on the management and prevention of workplace conflict. All our trainers are fully qualified and attend CPD development on a regular basis in accordance with ICM requirements.
Our goal is that you see a tremendous improvement in your team's ability to prevent and manage difficult encounters with the people in your service, so we focus on making sure that each training session with your people feels directly connected to their everyday work and is compliant with the relevant guidance which governs it.
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you are not fully satisfied by the training we deliver for your team, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.
Gerard O'Dea